Starting 1st Jan 2024 the following changes to the Training Fees and Grading Fees will be implemented.
The training fee for all students will be £38.00 per month per student.
This will allow me to continue to allow all students to train 5 days a week and upto 10 hours a week should they wish to do so.
This gives students enhanced flexibility to train should they miss classes due to illness, holidays etc.
Colour Belt Grading Fees
The cost for all White Belts to Red Belt will be £30.00 per student per Grading
If a CB or BB student was to fail a grading, they can retake it (if ready) 3 months (if CB) or 6 months (if BB) later at the next appropriate grading date.
The grading fee must be paid again however, at the same cost as the original fee, as they will be doing the entire grading again.
At the moment BB grading fee's will stay the same but will be reviewed in due course.
CB = Colour Belt
BB = Black belt
Kind Regards
Steven Noble
Noble Dragons Martial Arts / ITFU England